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What Playground Equipment Is Most Dangerous?

Why is it so important for parents to be aware of the most dangerous playground equipment? While playgrounds should be safe places for children to explore, play, and grow, many types of playground equipment present risks for kids of all ages. Each year, an estimated 214,268 children under the age of 17 visit emergency rooms for the treatment of playground-related injuries.

The school playground is the leading location of school injuries. They comprise 32.6% of all the injuries suffered in elementary schools. While some of these injuries may result from collisions, trips, and similar accidents, most result from equipment-related safety hazards. In fact, “Most injuries occurred with climbing apparatuses (36%), followed by swings (25.9%) and slides (20.9%).”

It’s important to know exactly what the most dangerous playground equipment is so that we can protect our children from frightening injuries and accidents. If your child was injured on dangerous playground equipment, you may have a legal claim for compensation.

Call the compassionate attorneys at Colling Gilbert Wright at (407) 712-7300 for a FREE case evaluation today. We are proud to serve our neighbors in Orlando and throughout Florida.

What Is the Most Hazardous Equipment on a Playground?

We hate to even think about the playground being dangerous for our precious children. However, being aware of the dangers could keep those kids safer.

The most dangerous playground equipment includes:

  • Climbing equipment
  • Swings
  • Slides

While climbing equipment seems to be responsible for more injuries in public and school playgrounds, swings seem to cause more injuries in the backyard. Falls from heights and collisions when equipment isn’t spaced correctly can lead to serious injuries. The resulting medical bills can financially strain a family.

If your child’s injury was caused by negligence, like defective or poorly installed or maintained equipment, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit to secure compensation. Though a settlement won’t erase your child’s pain, it may allow you to give all your focus to helping them heal.

Safety Risks Associated with Playground Climbing Equipment

Almost 80% of injuries on the playground are due to falls. A variety of situations can cause these, but the primary hazard associated with playground climbing equipment is the risk of falls. This includes both falls while climbing and falls from the top of climbing structures.

Although plenty of playground climbing structures are no more than 6 feet tall, even falls from this height can pose serious risks for children of all ages. Common injuries in falls from playground climbing equipment include:

  • Back & spinal cord injuries
  • Broken & dislocated bones
  • Concussions
  • Cuts requiring stitches or sutures
  • Emotional trauma
  • Severe bruising
  • Soft tissue injuries (sprains, strains, and tears)

Climbing walls, geo domes, rope ladders, rigid ladders, and other types of playground climbing equipment present similar risks. Poor design, poor construction, inadequate maintenance, and materials that are slippery when wet are all common factors in playground climbing equipment accidents.

Children can also suffer injuries from falling from climbing equipment onto unsafe surfaces or other playground objects. The surfaces installed under climbing equipment should be designed to absorb shock. In addition, playground layouts should provide space around climbing equipment so that children have room to climb safely to the ground.

It’s terrible to think that a joyful moment can turn into a nightmare for you and your child. Understanding these risks will help you avoid injuries. However, should your child suffer an accident due to negligence, know that you have options for justice.

Safety Risks Associated with Playground Swings

Swings are staples of public and home playgrounds. While they can be safe for children of appropriate age and height, they can also be dangerous if designed or installed improperly.

Some of the most common safety issues associated with swing sets include:

  • Swing sets installed too close to other playground equipment
  • Installation of unsafe surface material below swing sets
  • Use of dangerous chains or couplings
  • Inadequate maintenance of swings
  • Swings installed too high off of the ground

As with playground climbing equipment, the greatest danger associated with swing sets is the risk of fall-related injuries. However, collisions (e.g., a swinging child colliding with another child on the ground) and other types of accidents can also result in serious injuries.

While children will be aware of certain injuries right away, concussions and other internal injuries may not become apparent for hours or even days after an accident occurs. As a result, children’s symptoms should be monitored after playground accidents. Parents should seek medical attention promptly if they have any concerns about their child’s condition.

These delicate little people we adore and watch over can’t always communicate what is going on. We must be vigilant and err on the side of caution whenever dealing with a playground injury. If it ends up that there is a party responsible for your child’s injury, we may be able to advocate for your family through a dangerous playground equipment lawsuit.

Safety Risks Associated with Playground Slides

Though a favorite, slides can be among the most dangerous playground equipment. The most common danger with slides involves falling, particularly from the top or while climbing the ladder. However, there are several ways to be injured on a slide.

Accidents and injuries common on slides may include:

  • Fractures or Broken Bones: Arms and legs are often injured when trying to break a fall or caught on a defective or damaged slide.
  • Head Injuries: Kids could strike their head on the slide or the ground.
  • Burns: Slides can become dangerously hot on summer days, causing severe burns.
  • Collisions: Children can collide on or at the bottom of the slide and be injured.

Poor maintenance of slides can lead to cuts, abrasions, or entrapments (e.g., sharp edges, broken components). Using shock-absorbing materials underneath a slide can help to prevent more severe injuries.

If your child is injured on or around a slide due to defective materials, poor design, or negligent supervision, you may have cause to pursue legal action. Consulting an attorney can give you a better idea of the different avenues to compensation.

What Is the Number One Cause of Death on Playgrounds?

Strangulation is a serious concern in playground safety and is possibly responsible for more than half of playground deaths. It can often be caused by entanglement in “ropes, shoestrings, cords, leashes, clothing strings, and other items tied to, or entangled on the equipment.” Improperly designed swings can also be a culprit in strangulations.

Additionally, falls from heights remain the most common cause of injury and the second most serious concern for death on the playground. Climbing apparatuses and slides are the most dangerous playground equipment for falls.

The lack of proper safety measures can also cause fall accidents. Playgrounds should have shock-absorbing surfaces like rubber mats designed to cushion falls. Unfortunately, not all public or home playgrounds meet suggested safety standards.

If a child’s life is lost due to unsafe playground equipment or negligence in maintenance, your family may be able to pursue justice through a wrongful death lawsuit. Seeking compensation could help cover medical bills, funeral and burial costs, and other damages related to the loss of your most precious child.

There may need to be an investigation to establish if the accident was due to dangerous equipment, a lack of safety standards, or negligent supervision. If the liable party is determined and you have a viable claim for compensation, your attorney can help you take the appropriate next steps.

Who Is Liable When a Child Gets Injured on Dangerous Playground Equipment?

Injuries from accidents involving climbing apparatuses, swing sets, and other dangerous playground equipment can be incredibly expensive. Parents can incur substantial medical bills. In some cases, children will need long-term care. Therefore, in the aftermath of a playground accident, parents should explore their options for recovering financial compensation.

Depending on the circumstances, various entities can potentially be liable for child injuries resulting from dangerous playground equipment. For example, parents may have claims against:

  • Playground Equipment Companies: If a climbing apparatus or swing set is dangerous as a result of the way it was designed or manufactured, then the maker of the playground equipment may be liable in the event of an accident (product liability claim).
  • Playground Construction Companies: Playground construction companies can be held liable when they improperly design playground layouts, choose improper surface materials, and build climbing apparatuses and swing sets improperly.
  • Park Authorities, Schools, and Other Playground Owners: Park authorities, schools, and other playground owners can also face liability for accidents as a result of failing to prevent access, failing to conduct necessary maintenance, or failing to provide adequate supervision as required (premises liability claim).

What Playground Equipment Has Been Banned?

Over the years, some of the most dangerous playground equipment has been banned or phased out. Due to the high risk of injury, these different pieces of equipment have been removed from playgrounds:

  • Metal Slides due to the danger of children being burned.
  • Teeter-Totters have been banned in some regions because of falls and fractures.
  • Jungle Gyms have been replaced with safer crawler webs due to danger of falls and burns.

When banned equipment leads to your child’s injury, your family may have recourse through a premises or product liability claim.

Contact a Lawyer If Your Child Was Injured Due to Dangerous Playground Equipment

At Colling Gilbert Wright, we recognize the challenges faced by families after a child is injured on a playground. If unsafe or faulty equipment was to blame, you should not have to face the burdens alone. Our team investigates the accident to determine what caused your child’s injury and the party or parties responsible.

Injury to a child is the most unfair. They are innocent and in need of protection. Being aware of the most dangerous playground equipment helps us to protect them, and in the unfortunate case that they are still injured, that awareness will help us find those responsible and hold them to account.

For a FREE consultation, please contact Colling Gilbert Wright today. Our lawyers handle dangerous playground equipment claims in Orlando, Tampa, Miami, and throughout Florida. We are proud to help our neighbors and their families and look forward to evaluating your case.

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