Verdicts & Settlements Secured for Our Clients
Money isn’t everything. It can’t fix everything. It can’t turn back time to before your injury. It can’t bring back a loved one. But just compensation in a settlement or verdict can relieve your financial difficulties following an accident. It can secure justice, ensuring the wrongdoers are held accountable for their devastating actions. It can help your quality of life if your injuries have left you disabled. It can afford you the assistance you need physically and emotionally to cope with the ramifications of what happened. It can aid you as you strive to get back to the life you led before the tragic accident.
That is our goal—to help you find some modicum of peace after suffering such terrible losses. That is what these verdicts and settlements mean to us. In each instance, we have helped a client get that much closer to feeling whole again. Though these dollars are drops in the bucket of their grief, we hope they accumulate, relieving their pain.
We find ourselves constantly inspired by the courage and humanity we see in our clients. Bringing their cases through to a successful conclusion and walking beside them every step of the way—that is how we show our gratitude.
The following verdicts and settlements are examples of Colling Gilbert Wright’s commitment to our clients.
Nursing Home Neglect – bedsores causing death.
Nursing Home Neglect : for the surviving sons of a nursing home resident who developed a severe bedsore on the hip and died.
Workers’ Compensation : low back injury, shoulder injury, closed head trauma.
Wrongful death of nursing home resident caused by failure to administer medication as ordered.
Nursing Home Neglect : failure to monitor resident leading to 17 falls, 2 fractures and eventual death.
Personal Injury : For a client who developed reflex sympathetic dystrophy, a nervous disorder, following a seemingly minor foot injury sustained on the job.
Tractor-trailer Accident : plaintiff required carpal tunnel and shoulder surgery.
Nursing Home Neglect : for the family of another nursing home resident who died from bedsores and malnutrition.
Nursing Home Neglect : for the nephews and nieces of a nursing home resident who caught himself on fire when smoking in his room in violation of the nursing home’s policies.
Mild traumatic brain injury/post-concussion syndrome caused by truck accident.